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ByLaws &


By Laws



  • A. LL’s recommended method of operation, ‘Hometown’, is the basis for the Chandler National Little League (hereafter CNLL) ByLaws which may be
    modified at any Board of Directors (hereafter BOD) meeting by a majority vote of the BOD members in attendance.
  • B. Regular Membership is defined as “any individual choosing to participate in the day to day business of CNLL” and does so in a positive and responsible manner. Regular Members will be expected to participate in monthly meetings and volunteer for activities to help BOD and Ancillary Board members conduct daily league business.
  • C. Regular Members need not hold a BOD or Ancillary Board position to volunteer.


  • A. The BOD shall consist of any Regular Member of CNLL.
  • B. The number of Board of Directors shall be determined at the Annual Membership or Special Membership meeting by current Regular Members.
  • C. The BOD shall be voted upon by the Regular Membership present at the Annual Membership Meeting or as prescribed in a Special Membership Meeting. At minimum, per Little League International, the BOD shall include no less than six (6) members.
  • D. If the BOD exceeds five (5) members, the BOD members shall elect at minimum these five Officers:
    • 1. President
    • 2. Vice President
    • 3. Secretary
    • 4. Treasurer
    • 5. Player Agent
  • E. Upon selection of the members to the BOD, the following suggested positions shall be filled upon a volunteer basis. Any person volunteering for any of the following positions listed below may also be a member of the BOD. All other positions shall be considered the Ancillary Board (non-voting). If more than one person volunteers, the BOD shall conduct an informal election or assign both active members to a position.
    • 1. Safety Director
    • 2. Juniors/Seniors Director
    • 3. Majors Division Director
    • 4. “AAA” Division Director
    • 5. “AA” Division Director(s)
    • 6. “A” Division Director(s)
    • 7. Rookie Division Director(s)
    • 8. Challenger Division Director
    • 9. Equipment Director
    • 10. Sponsorship Coordinator(s)
    • 11. Umpire in Chief
    • 12. Any other position deemed necessary by BOD.
  • F. Any BOD may hold more than one position, i.e. Secretary/Events Coordinator.
  • G. Board of Directors may, if needed, hold Ancillary (non-voting) Board positions.
  • H. The BOD may create, at their discretion, any Ancillary position(s) as deemed necessary to successfully operate CNLL.


  • A. Officers shall, in addition to responsibilities listed in Section IV, have the authority to:
    • 1. Make decisions on daily operations of CNLL.
    • 2. Have fiscal responsibility for expenditures under $1000.
    • 3. Hire outside professionals for legal or other aid necessary to conduct CNLL business.
    • 4. Have authority to enforce accountability within CNLL.
    • 5. Be point of contact when needed for any outside communication with the District, Western Region, LL Inc. or International, Press, etc.
  • B. The Officers’ primary responsibility is the administration and management of the CNLL.
  • C. An Officer may be removed if the individual is not conducting league business in the best interest of all participants or violates Rules of Conduct. Removal of an Officer may occur by a 2/3 vote of the BOD. BOD member in question will not participate in the vote.


  • A. Shall be responsible for day to day operations of the league and ensure fiscal responsibility of CNLL.
  • B. Shall, by majority vote, make decisions on league expenditures equal to or greater than $1000.
  • C. Shall develop league timelines and ensure timelines are followed to ensure all necessary materials and information is available throughout the season, such as patches, rulebooks, Operating Procedures, etc.
  • D. Shall develop and ensure all managers and coaches are provided training prior to the season.
  • E. Shall elect/approve the application of “new” General Members.
  • F. May hold multiple positions.
  • G. Expectation is that BOD members will primarily conduct league business at hand while they may also manage, coach or assist teams in any position.
  • H. The President, per LL, may manage or coach a regular season team, and/or an All-Star team with approval of the District Administrator.
  • I. Expectation of the Ancillary Board is that they may have other league responsibilities such as manager or coach, but will also conduct league business at hand.
  • J. The BOD and Ancillary Board shall be held to the highest standard in terms of their conduct.
  • K. Any BOD or Ancillary Board member may be removed if the individual is not conducting league business in the best interest of all participants or violates Rules of Conduct. Removal of a BOD or Ancillary Board member may occur by a 2/3 vote of the BOD. A BOD in question will not participate in the vote.


  • A. All CNLL official meetings shall be conducted utilizing Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • B. CNLL BOD meetings will be held quarterly, or more frequently if deemed necessary, where all BOD and Ancillary Board Members will be expected to attend.
  • C. A quorum is the number of Regular Members in attendance at a Regular Membership Meeting, a Special Membership Meeting, or the number of Directors at a Board of Directors Meeting provided the notice of the meeting was properly transmitted in person, or by website posting, or by electronic mail or by mail to the last recorded address of each Member setting forth the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.



We are pleased to inform you that the Constitution of Chandler National Little League has been found to be in basic agreement with Little League Baseball and Softball Rules and Regulations. The proposed Constitution indicates that the document was presented to the league membership…

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