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About Us


Chandler National Little League is a charter member of Little League International, the largest volunteer organization in the world. There are no paid positions in the league. Our Board of Directors, managers, coaches and team moms volunteer countless hours to give our players and families the best youth baseball experience possible.

Chandler National Little League aspires to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience, in which every athlete:

  • Has fun playing the game while learning the game
  • Feels like an important part of the team regardless of performance
  • Learns “life lessons” that have value beyond the playing field
  • Learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game and improves as a player.

We recognize coaches most directly make this possible, so we provide all coaches with the tools to succeed as Little League Coaches. We are committed to creating a culture in which coaches, parents, fans, umpires and athletes work together to achieve our mission.

Little League Mission Statement

Little League Baseball, Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose mission is “to promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball.”

Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the Little League program assists youth in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. By espousing the virtues of character, courage and loyalty, the Little League Baseball program is designed to develop superior citizens rather than superior athletes.

Coaches • Parents • Fans • Umpires • Athletes
Working Together to Achieve a Common Goal

Little League Pledge

I trust in God. I love my country
And will respect its laws.
I will play fair and strive to win.
But win or lose – I will always do my best.

Parent & Volunteer Pledge

I will teach all children to play fair and do their best.
I will positively support all managers, coaches and players.
I will respect the decisions of the umpires.
I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game.

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